Sick/Tired chicken


Mar 2, 2025
Hello all,

I’m taking care of my mom’s 3 chickens for the month. Within the first week I noticed one of the chickens staying inside the coop struggling to keep its head up🙁
We isolated her in a dog crate. She continues to have an appetite. the first few days she really kept pushing herself to stand up, and would exhaust herself.
That was 4 days ago. Now she’s just keeping her head up plenty, but she keeps sitting down, and she doesn’t go anywhere when we let her out by herself. She’s still a little lethargic.

What can I do to get her healthy again? The other 2 chickens seem to be fine. But I think they are stressed being apart.
Can you try her back with the other hens? Make sure they don’t peck on her or hurt her. If they do try the crate her again, but bring her out for supervised visits. She will be happier with them. How old is she, and does she lay eggs? What do her poops look like? Poop pictures are welcome. Can you see that she eats a wet mash of chicken feed, water, and a little egg a couple of times a day? Is her crop empty and flat first thing in the morning? She could be lethargic from a reproductive disorder or something else.
Can you try her back with the other hens? Make sure they don’t peck on her or hurt her. If they do try the crate her again, but bring her out for supervised visits. She will be happier with them. How old is she, and does she lay eggs? What do her poops look like? Poop pictures are welcome. Can you see that she eats a wet mash of chicken feed, water, and a little egg a couple of times a day? Is her crop empty and flat first thing in the morning? She could be lethargic from a reproductive disorder or something else.

Thank you so much for your response! She’s probably a little less than a year old. And before she got sick, she was laying an egg just about every day.
And she’s been eating a lot, pellets & bird seed along with lettuce & blueberries every few days.
I would limit her diet to her balanced chicken feed and a little egg. Check her crop early am before she eats or drinks, and it should be empty. Her dropping looks normal. If you can get some human vitamins, vitamin E 400 IU and super B complex 1/4-1/2 tablet daily I would give those in case of a vitamin B2 deficiency or wry neck. Mareks disease could be a slim possibility, but hopefully it is not that. Is there a rooster in the flock?

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