Silkie chick with sore feet

Sarah and Joey

In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Just returned from holiday & noticed one of my silkies is having trouble walking, as if her feet are sore. Picked her up & her legs & feet are covered in a hard white scabs. She's also spent most of the day sat in the nesting box, don't think she's roosting on the bars at night!! Could this b caused by her sitting on her feet all day?? Should I cut her toe nails?? Tried soaking them in a anti-bac solution tonight to try soften the scabs, but made no difference.
Will try attach some photos -can anybody help??

Just wanted to say a BIG thank you to SunkenRoadFarms, I followed your advise and my little silkie is doing much better. I treated the entire flock at the same time. The worse one still has a couple of small scabs left but I'm treating her daily still. She's walking around a bit more now but still a little wobbly on her feet.
Love this forum for all the helpful info you get, ducks & chickens aren't popular as pets where we live so I'm afraid some of the local vets are usually baffled when I go in

I am having the same problems but on a larger scale. My white crusty build up is very very large, I have been treating it and they are healing, but yesterday I saw a cut on my silkie hens toe, I put an antibiotic spray on it and Vaseline. I came home from work and her toe, from the toenail to the first joint had fallen off! I soaked it in rubbing alcohol, made a paste of blue food coloring (to prevent pecking) honey, Vaseline and triple anti biotic ointment. I am keeping her in a cage during the day in the coop. I am worried about infection and she is my favorite, seems like everything possible happens to her
. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I am having the same problems but on a larger scale. My white crusty build up is very very large, I have been treating it and they are healing, but yesterday I saw a cut on my silkie hens toe, I put an antibiotic spray on it and Vaseline. I came home from work and her toe, from the toenail to the first joint had fallen off! I soaked it in rubbing alcohol, made a paste of blue food coloring (to prevent pecking) honey, Vaseline and triple anti biotic ointment. I am keeping her in a cage during the day in the coop. I am worried about infection and she is my favorite, seems like everything possible happens to her
. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Bandaging the toe with a non stick gauze pad and vet wrap is a good idea. The vet wrap will keep the wound clean and she can remain with the flock.
I did a good cleaning and soak in Epsom salt and warm water. It relaxes her so much she fell asleep in it
. Then I did vectricin spray ( most amazing stuff ever, everyone should have some!!) and triple antibiotic ointment. Then cuddled her in a towel and fed her treats. It seems to be closed up but is warm to the touch. This morning she was out with everyone when I went out to check, still moving around slow but at least she was able to go down the ramp this morning. Should I still do the wrap if it is closed? And what about an antibiotic, or do you think she seems ok for now?
I usually dress them until they are healed, just to prevent infection and pecking. Sounds like you are doing everything right (I love Vetericyn too!). Hold off on antibiotics, blindly or unnessecarily treating can do more harm. Chicken body temp is 102-103 F so they will naturally feel warmer. Just watch for behavior changes (lethargy, not walking, not eating), tenderness, swelling, discoloration, and pus.
She is very into her treats buy other than coming to the treats she is not wanting to put weight on the foot. The swelling has come down and the toe isn't as hot. She just wants to sit there most of the time and will get up to eat and drink when need be. She will also raise her leg really high and stick her wings out when she tries to step with that foot. Is that pain? I am hoping that she is just in pain and not sick from infection or something I am missing

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