Silkie Cross Breeds

Our Silky cross called Molly. Her mother was a Partridge Silkie and father was either a Rhode Island Red or RIR x Legbar cross. She's about 5 months old.


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A few more siblings from the same Partridge Silkie x RIR or RIR x LB mix.


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I wanted to introduce my new d'uccle/silkie mixes. Chickens are fairly new to me in the last few months, and these are being added to my older pullets
The white one is named Snow and the black is Sunny.

(the sun is shining on her from the open door, but she does have a few gold feathers)

I did have a question about this one, I see her holding her leg up in the air every once in a while. Is that a silkie thing or somehting I need to look at more carefully?

Thanks! Hopefully the older pullets we have will accept them soon!
I wanted to introduce my new d'uccle/silkie mixes. Chickens are fairly new to me in the last few months, and these are being added to my older pullets
The white one is named Snow and the black is Sunny.

(the sun is shining on her from the open door, but she does have a few gold feathers)

I did have a question about this one, I see her holding her leg up in the air every once in a while. Is that a silkie thing or somehting I need to look at more carefully?

Thanks! Hopefully the older pullets we have will accept them soon!
I had a question about my d'uccle/silkie mix. We have had him/her for a month now, but since then there has been a big change in appearance.

This was when we first got him/her 1 month ago

This was taken yesterday. I noticed that they comb has changed a lot in the past month.

so I am wondering if its still a hen or a rooster.
Looks like a lil Roo to me, seems to be growing some wattles under the corners of the mouth and also appears to have hackle feathers. He’s gorgeous! Hope you can keep him. If not I suspect you could find him a home pretty easily!
I have a hen that hatched 7 silkie crosses and 2 look to be an Americana crosses and not sure of the rest. They are grayish in color and super sweet. They all have the feathered feet and 5 toes (dad was a white silkie). So far one is looking like a rooster but they are about 3-4 weeks old.


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Posting photos of some of my silkie crosses...


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