Silkie mix layers?


Jun 27, 2022
We have given incubating a go and have hatched a total of 18 chicks! My question is if anyone has any silkie mixs and how well do they lay once they mature? We have an amberlink rooster who gets along really well with the ladies and a silkie rooster that I always see the ladies avoiding. Well once our eggs started hatching we realized that Fabio the silkie was getting more action then we thought! Just wondering if the silkie mix hens will lay well. Their moms consist of RIR, Barred rocks, sahpire gems, and buff orpingtons.
Silkies aren't the best layers, but they're fun to have. The ones who have Sapphire Gems as mothers should lay better than the ones with Orpington mothers. On the flip side, come cold weather if you get cold weather in your area, the Orpington mixed should lay better during the winter months. If you have pictures as they grow, I'd love to see them. The mixes are so unique! :love :love
Silkies aren't the best layers, but they're fun to have. The ones who have Sapphire Gems as mothers should lay better than the ones with Orpington mothers. On the flip side, come cold weather if you get cold weather in your area, the Orpington mixed should lay better during the winter months. If you have pictures as they grow, I'd love to see them. The mixes are so unique! :love :love


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Here are a few of the babies and dad. I can tell where the barred baby came from but I'm at a loss on who the others moms could be. They sure are cute tho!
My Silkie cross eggs have looked to much like Silkie eggs to notice if they are laying more than my Silkies. Silkies may not be known for their laying, but mine have proven to be better winter layers than my standard hens. Well that is except for the ones who have chicks under a month old.
Aww, they're adorable! Thanks for sharing the pictures! :love :love

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