Silkie pullets


In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2023
What place have you had good experience ordering silkie pullets? I need a pullet. Dna tested even. I can only have 1 more. I'm tired of falling in love with chicks that wind up roosters :'( I've given away 50% of my backyard chicken crew so far. And all my favorites have been roos x( sometimes I feel like God is telling me something with this and I'm just not hearing it.
No place is going to ship just one chick, but you might have luck pooling an order with someone in the spring. I think Meyer's offers sexed silkies.
Sorry, I meant to say started pullet. I want an 8 week old at least, not a chick.
Do they have a secure website? The website I see pulling up is not.
Honestly, I just ended up calling them. Talked it up with the owner and he sent me pictures of the colors i was interested in. I forgot his name but he was very nice and I paid over the phone with my card and everything was legitimate. He had a woman drive them to my house 2 days later.
The girls I got from him are beautiful.

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