Silkies living with Cream Legbars


In the Brooder
May 4, 2018
Rose Hill, KS 67133
We love our silkies, but would like to have some good egg-layers also. We are thinking of Cream Legbars.

The question is; can Silkies and Legbars live together peacefully? I'm thinking that introducing them when the Legbars are young would be a good route.

We aren't set on Legbars, we just like them. Any other breed that would be better with the Silkies and still produce nice eggs?

Any advice?
I keep all breeds with my Sillkies... NO issues most the time.

That includes Marans, Orps, Rocks, Flowers, Reds, Sussex, Wyan, EE, leghorn, and many, many more... IF there is a problem, it's usually about an individual and not a breed.

Have fun on your adventure! :wee
ive found that if you put feather crested birds and non feather crested birds together the feather crested birds will attack
I keep all breeds with my Sillkies... NO issues most the time.

That includes Marans, Orps, Rocks, Flowers, Reds, Sussex, Wyan, EE, leghorn, and many, many more... IF there is a problem, it's usually about an individual and not a breed.

Have fun on your adventure! :wee
How do you integrate? I have a barred rock, a speckled Sussex, and a turkey (all together since 4 weeks, now 25ish weeks) and just got 3 bantams (D’Anvers, so cute!)
Today we did commingled free ranged and my little ones kept getting foot pecked (just normal pecking order stuff, but still!)
Any tips?
How do you integrate? I have a barred rock, a speckled Sussex, and a turkey (all together since 4 weeks, now 25ish weeks) and just got 3 bantams (D’Anvers, so cute!)
Today we did commingled free ranged and my little ones kept getting foot pecked (just normal pecking order stuff, but still!)
Any tips?
I always use a look but don't touch set up for at least a couple days. Sometimes a week or so... depends on the flock... teenagers are usually bigger bully's to little's than fully mature hens here. A couple holes for them to enter the looking zone if they are being chased where the bigger kids can't get to them usually works well. I am able to do this with just some chicken wire in a circle around a card board (on it's side) box or small pet carrier that the little's can use to huddle inside if they are cold or need shade or just a place to feel secure.

I haven't dealt with turkey's. Do you know if it's male or female yet?

D'Anvers... your flock is very interesting! :thumbsup :pop
Legbars are lovely! I keep two, in with my silkie cross. Even though she’s disabled, she’ll still give them a little peck if they get too close to her. Silkies are very friendly, but in my experience, they can stick up for themselves.
Side note: my friend is currently hatching some silkie x legbars (rooster), I’ll ask if he’ll send a pic when they do!


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I always use a look but don't touch set up for at least a couple days. Sometimes a week or so... depends on the flock... teenagers are usually bigger bully's to little's than fully mature hens here. A couple holes for them to enter the looking zone if they are being chased where the bigger kids can't get to them usually works well. I am able to do this with just some chicken wire in a circle around a card board (on it's side) box or small pet carrier that the little's can use to huddle inside if they are cold or need shade or just a place to feel secure.

I haven't dealt with turkey's. Do you know if it's male or female yet?

D'Anvers... your flock is very interesting! :thumbsup :pop
It’s a female turkey, just about the sweetest thing ever.
It’s the chickens I am more concerned about, they are in that just started laying stage & the D’Anvers haven’t started quite yet.

I have the cage set just beside the run so they can see each other all day, and yesterday spread treats out that both could eat. I think that helped & will repeat this afternoon.

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