Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam Pair


Jun 27, 2020
I am wondering if anyone had tried keeping these tiny bantams in an aviary type cage? I have the cutest pair and am considering keeping them separate from all the other chickens I have and keeping them close! Look how cute they are perched on the side of the brooder! Just weighing different options! Any input is appreciated!


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I am wondering if anyone had tried keeping these tiny bantams in an aviary type cage? I have the cutest pair and am considering keeping them separate from all the other chickens I have and keeping them close! Look how cute they are perched on the side of the brooder! Just weighing different options! Any input is appreciated!
I keep a trio of Gold Sebrights and a pair of Mille Fleur d'Uccles in with my LF flock. They do just fine but I do not intend to hatch any of their eggs.
Bantams are busy little things and need space to roam, scratch and dust bath just like LF chickens do.
Just how big is the cage?
I’ve been searching... Large Wooden Bird Cages Outdoor Indoor Parakeet Cage with Perch for Parrot,Bird Aviary with Wire Netting Above The Removable Pull Out Tray - Wheels Include
I’ve also found bird cages for indoor, but they seem small.
I will allow for free ranging... supervised outdoors during our summer months.
I do have outdoor coops. I’m just brainstorming ways to keep them closer to me because they are so sweet.
I keep a trio of Gold Sebrights and a pair of Mille Fleur d'Uccles in with my LF flock. They do just fine but I do not intend to hatch any of their eggs.
Bantams are busy little things and need space to roam, scratch and dust bath just like LF chickens do.
Thank you! I have 5 gold sebrights in this same group... 1 cockerel so far. What are your thoughts on the 7 together...2 cockerels?


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I’ve been searching... Large Wooden Bird Cages Outdoor Indoor Parakeet Cage with Perch for Parrot,Bird Aviary with Wire Netting Above The Removable Pull Out Tray - Wheels Include
I’ve also found bird cages for indoor, but they seem small.
I will allow for free ranging... supervised outdoors during our summer months.
I do have outdoor coops. I’m just brainstorming ways to keep them closer to me because they are so sweet.
Okay. That's better than I was expecting. Seramas will be better suited but that might work....
Thank you! I have 5 gold sebrights in this same group... 1 cockerel so far. What are your thoughts on the 7 together...2 cockerels?
If the cockerels have grown up together and there are enough girls to go around (you may need a few more) there's a good chance they'll co-exist happily.

OEGB are my favourite breed and ours live and free range with our bigger birds (who have always had bantams as part of the flock). It's the cutest thing seeing them fly to you when they see you coming and having them crowd around your feet. They are extremely active and busy birds, jumping up into the trees to perch and crow, scratching for bugs, running flat out and play fighting when they are young. I have one raising some chicks for me at the moment and another who is on eggs. They are excellent mothers.

I personally don't think that indoor aviary has sufficient floor space for such active bantams. It also does not look that easy to clean (chickens, even little ones, make a lot of mess). The wire netting would be a potential bumblefoot hazard as it would collect poop (being small mesh designed for small bird poop, not large chicken droppings) which would then harden, leaving sharp edges. It happens often with quail when people keep them on mesh that's too small and/or is not kept scrupulously clean.

They would have a more interesting life outside where they have a flock to interact with, a dust bath (which would be too messy to provide indoors), space to run and jump, and overall more to do than being in a small cage. They are also very fast and nimble, so if they don't want to be caught (because they know you're taking them back inside after they've had the freedom of free ranging) you've got no hope. They are smart chickens.

I adore ours and it is tempting to keep them inside because they are the sweetest things and they really are pets if handled a lot, but when you see them enjoying the outdoors you'll know that's where they should be.

If you can't let them free range all the time I would suggest a big, tall, covered run so that you can easily go in and sit with them.
If you have the option to keep them outside, I would. It would be a different story if you were allowing them to roam your house (as many indoor chicken keepers do) but that space alone just isn’t big enough for them.
If the cockerels have grown up together and there are enough girls to go around (you may need a few more) there's a good chance they'll co-exist happily.

OEGB are my favourite breed and ours live and free range with our bigger birds (who have always had bantams as part of the flock). It's the cutest thing seeing them fly to you when they see you coming and having them crowd around your feet. They are extremely active and busy birds, jumping up into the trees to perch and crow, scratching for bugs, running flat out and play fighting when they are young. I have one raising some chicks for me at the moment and another who is on eggs. They are excellent mothers.

I personally don't think that indoor aviary has sufficient floor space for such active bantams. It also does not look that easy to clean (chickens, even little ones, make a lot of mess). The wire netting would be a potential bumblefoot hazard as it would collect poop (being small mesh designed for small bird poop, not large chicken droppings) which would then harden, leaving sharp edges. It happens often with quail when people keep them on mesh that's too small and/or is not kept scrupulously clean.

They would have a more interesting life outside where they have a flock to interact with, a dust bath (which would be too messy to provide indoors), space to run and jump, and overall more to do than being in a small cage. They are also very fast and nimble, so if they don't want to be caught (because they know you're taking them back inside after they've had the freedom of free ranging) you've got no hope. They are smart chickens.

I adore ours and it is tempting to keep them inside because they are the sweetest things and they really are pets if handled a lot, but when you see them enjoying the outdoors you'll know that's where they should be.

If you can't let them free range all the time I would suggest a big, tall, covered run so that you can easily go in and sit with them.
Thank you for this reply! It made me realizes my ideas were for me, not for them! They are only 5 weeks old so still babies and extra snuggly! ❤️We have plenty of outdoor space, coops, and runs, and they can free range, but I read it should be supervised?!? We are in a 4 season area so the will not free range in the freezing times.
We currently have a year old mixed flock and one little girl is a tiny bantam... either Japanese bantam or maybe a sebright with a single comb. She leads the group alllllll over the place all day every day!! She drives our rooster crazy! It is very cute! She doesn’t fly much... our littles in the brooder already fly more! But your description made me realize we cannot try to keep these guys contained just because they are cute and sweet! Thank you❤️

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