Silver laced and Gold Laced Wyandotte hens - bantams or not?

Crazy chickn lady

In the Brooder
Nov 19, 2023
Perth, Western Australia
We bought a silver lace wyandotte pullet ( she was approximately 8-10 weeks, the breeder told us she was 10 weeks but shexxxxxxq looked younger and her plummage was still developing). So when she was between 8-10 weeks she weighed 1.2 kg. A month late at approx 12-14 weeks, she weighed 1.4kg. She looks like a pretty small round ball with legs sometimes. Shes short, and round. But with beautiful plummage. I'm wondering if She's a bantam though, even though she was sold as a standard breed, because she doesn't seem to be growing; she just stopped. She eats a lot but. Normal chicken amount. She seems healthy.

My other golden-laced wyandotte that was found in a national park alone, quite far away from any houses, approx 3-4 wks old and is now nearing 20wks. She weighs 1.8kg, 1 month ago she weighed 1.5kg, a .3kg jump from her previous months(2 months ago) weight of 1.2kg. She is tall and slender with stunning feathers. But is she the right weight for her age? She's not laying yet, (we haven't put her on layer pellets just yet because of her friend the silver laced named Mia who isn't old enough to go on layer pellets yet.)

The photos attached are a couple months old but Mia hasn't grown much. Her feathers have become fuller but she just stopped growing.

Any helpful insight is greatly appreciated


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It might be possible. If you can find a breed standard for the SLW bantams it should have what weights they are for you to compare with yours.

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