Hey guys,
This SLW chick is 3 weeks old this week. Purchased as a pullet from a local feed store in CT.
This chick has feathered out very very very slowly. Always had a pale rose comb, with no signs of wattle, up until two days ago, the comb is not longer pale, it is more dark pinkish, and the wattle is barely showing this week. I don't think you guys are going to be able to see the pinkish/reddish color of the comb on the pics.For some reason it is not showing on the pics, but based on the change of color of the comb, I'd say it is a boy. His tail feathers came in this week as well. Still no feather on his back/neck/legs, mostly down.
Can anyone help me identify her gender based on the pics posted. I am new at raising chicks. I've been doing a lot of research on each breed i own, but I want someone else's input regarding the gender based on the pics.
This SLW chick is 3 weeks old this week. Purchased as a pullet from a local feed store in CT.
This chick has feathered out very very very slowly. Always had a pale rose comb, with no signs of wattle, up until two days ago, the comb is not longer pale, it is more dark pinkish, and the wattle is barely showing this week. I don't think you guys are going to be able to see the pinkish/reddish color of the comb on the pics.For some reason it is not showing on the pics, but based on the change of color of the comb, I'd say it is a boy. His tail feathers came in this week as well. Still no feather on his back/neck/legs, mostly down.
Can anyone help me identify her gender based on the pics posted. I am new at raising chicks. I've been doing a lot of research on each breed i own, but I want someone else's input regarding the gender based on the pics.