
Sep 3, 2023
Just hatched one chick out of six eggs 😟 3 of the eggs definitely died, there are still two more in the Bator but I think they might be dead too. I think the incubator thermostat is off - it was a cheap one from Amazon - I put a thermometer/hygrometer in there today and it appears to be a degree Celsius less than the readout on the incubator.

Anyway, the poor thing keeps crying. I have it alone in a brooder. I looked online to see if I can buy a couple day old chicks and couldn't find anyone selling any near me. I have 8 four-week old chicks in a different brooder. I'm assuming the age gap is too big for them to live together? Can I take one of the older chicks and put it with the baby for a bit at a time? Just to socialize it a bit. I'll keep looking for day olds in the meantime. Any other ideas? My kids picked out a small stuffed animal and we put it in the brooder so hopefully that helps a bit.
You can try putting one of the older chicks into brooder with the young one.(for short periods of time) BUT,,, DO NOT LEAVE. If anything starts to happen, immediately remove. Another option,,,, would be,, separate brooder with chicken wire (or other netting) on a frame. This would create chick company,,, without possible interaction/confrontation.
Your little singleton will grow quickly, and will integrate with the other chicks soon.

About your incubator.
One degree C, is not all that much. That may create a longer incubation time. Don't give up on your other 2 eggs yet. :frow

For your next time use;
Now that you have that additional Thermometer/Hydrometer, available,, just adjust your incubator settings to temperature readings on your new thermometer.

Remember,, just because it is a low priced incubator, does not make it a bad one. The low priced ones, are usually small ones as well.

Larger higher priced incubators are not guaranteed to be EXTREMELY ACCURATE. Some do need to be adjusted to external thermometer readings as well.
These are incubators,, not expensive laboratory devices.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:
Thank you so much! Yes, this is our second run with this incubator and the last hatch was quite successful, 8 out of 9 eggs hatched. So I was a little upset to be having a new egg dead each time I candled!

Thanks for your suggestions, I will see if I can rig something up in the big brooder. I definitely don't want a lonely baby that can't integrate... I have nowhere to put it haha

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