Six Chickens Adopted Us - Need to Find Home - One already killed by hawk.



In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2020
Neighbors had these chickens and they have always come over and fed under the bird feeder. There was some illegal activity at their house and I'm not sure what happened but they have been in our trees for 5 days now. We are feeding them but two days ago a hawk got one of them. We are frantic. We put up a 10x5 kennel and wrapped it in tarps but they won't go in it. I know the hawks are out here just waiting. We are not setup for chickens nor do we want to be. The death of that poor hen was devastating. I have tried local human societies but the problem is, we cannot catch them. And also, we are not sure whether the original owner has given up rights (although he should be reported to ASPCA). Just now the hawk came back and he will probably get another one. Does anyone know of a rescue near Kalamazoo/Battle Creek MI who actually catches chickens while rescuing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure what happened but they have been in our trees for 5 days now.
I have tried local human societies but the problem is, we cannot catch them.

Without any information, it’s a tough call on what to do. I’m assuming the neighbors have been arrested or something, and aren’t readily available to contact. I wouldn’t willingly leave my flock like that, I feel bad just spending the night at a friends house :oops: But since its been 5+ days and a hen has been killed, it’s very nice that you’re taking over to protect these birds.

have they got a coop or something on their property that the chickens were previously roosting on at night? Could you herd them back over in the evenings? if you can convince them to sleep somewhere lower at night, its a lot easier to catch them in the dark. They can’t see well at night, and so they can just be taken right off the perch, put into kennels, and run down to the shelter in the morning. Or, you could give them away to someone with a flock/chicken experience, to ensure their futures. if you give them to someone on BYC, you can even check in on them!
I googled “bird rescue Battle Creek mi” and got a few results. I’d try calling one, even if they don’t take chickens, they may be able to advise you on who does. Good luck, thanks so much for looking out for these poor babies!
Yes. No luck. Okay. Update is 5 of the six are in the kennel. One escaped and is all by itself now, and of course, in a tree about 14 feet high. Can she survive the 20 degree temps by herself? Frantic!!!
Without any information, it’s a tough call on what to do. I’m assuming the neighbors have been arrested or something, and aren’t readily available to contact. I wouldn’t willingly leave my flock like that, I feel bad just spending the night at a friends house :oops: But since its been 5+ days and a hen has been killed, it’s very nice that you’re taking over to protect these birds.

have they got a coop or something on their property that the chickens were previously roosting on at night? Could you herd them back over in the evenings? if you can convince them to sleep somewhere lower at night, its a lot easier to catch them in the dark. They can’t see well at night, and so they can just be taken right off the perch, put into kennels, and run down to the shelter in the morning. Or, you could give them away to someone with a flock/chicken experience, to ensure their futures. if you give them to someone on BYC, you can even check in on them!
The property is posted with no trespassing signs and they have security cameras all around the property as well as a huge white fence. Not a good situation. Five have been put in the kennel now. We thought we had all of them when we closed the door but she got spooked and took off. Tried to herd her but not she's back up in the pine tree about 12-14' up. Can she even survive on her own by herself in 20 degree temps?
The property is posted with no trespassing signs and they have security cameras all around the property as well as a huge white fence. Not a good situation. Five have been put in the kennel now. We thought we had all of them when we closed the door but she got spooked and took off. Tried to herd her but not she's back up in the pine tree about 12-14' up. Can she even survive on her own by herself in 20 degree temps?
As long as predators don’t get her. Can you throw her some food and hide out to see if she’ll come back down?
As long as predators don’t get her. Can you throw her some food and hide out to see if she’ll come back down?
Tried that with no luck. She is sleeping in tree. No way to get to her. Friend said she should survive as chickens don’t really cuddle with one another. She knows where her flock is. Hoping she is good tomorrow and we can catch her. These are not my chickens so they don’t know us that well yet. Thank you all for your help. 😒
Tried that with no luck. She is sleeping in tree. No way to get to her. Friend said she should survive as chickens don’t really cuddle with one another. She knows where her flock is. Hoping she is good tomorrow and we can catch her. These are not my chickens so they don’t know us that well yet. Thank you all for your help. 😒
She survived the night but still can't catch her. Cold spell in single digits tomorrow night. She will not survive. Tried the old box and rope trick. She wants nothing to do with that. If we were her pet parents sure this would. When she goes back up in the tree she climbs really high. Our trees are 20-30 feet tall. Will continue trying
She survived the night but still can't catch her. Cold spell in single digits tomorrow night. She will not survive. Tried the old box and rope trick. She wants nothing to do with that. If we were her pet parents sure this would. When she goes back up in the tree she climbs really high. Our trees are 20-30 feet tall. Will continue trying
Seriously. Still could not get her out of trees. Went out last night and she was not there. Only came back for a brief visit today. Snow starts tonight. She will be a goner. Any suggestion? And just now, another black hen just appeared who we can not also catch. This is ridiculous. When will folks start taking care of them own animals.

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