Slight bullying, what to do if it escalates?


In the Brooder
Nov 27, 2024
So, we're raising a small flock of chicks. We started with 6 but two sadly passed due to rough handling in transit. We have 2 buff orpingtons and 2 white leghorns. 1 of the buff orpingtons almost died because she didn't want to drink water, but we nursed her back to health. It's been 5 days since then and she's now half the size of the other 3 chickens. We see her eating and drinking and she's full of energy but because of her size the other chickens bully her. They peck at her eyes, they shove her around, and they hog the food. If anyone has ideas on what i should do or how bad it should be before we intervene i would greatly appreciate it.
So, we're raising a small flock of chicks. We started with 6 but two sadly passed due to rough handling in transit. We have 2 buff orpingtons and 2 white leghorns. 1 of the buff orpingtons almost died because she didn't want to drink water, but we nursed her back to health. It's been 5 days since then and she's now half the size of the other 3 chickens. We see her eating and drinking and she's full of energy but because of her size the other chickens bully her. They peck at her eyes, they shove her around, and they hog the food. If anyone has ideas on what i should do or how bad it should be before we intervene i would greatly appreciate it.
I had a similar issue because the chicks were cramped and bored, give them space and things to peck at other than each other.
Unfortunately I wasn't experienced enough to know this at time and my chick was trampled by the others overnight. I also didn't know how to nurse it back to health.
If you don't have space for a larger brooder for all of them try setting up a separate one for the weak chick and maybe put one other chick in with it for company.
Maybe others with more experience will have better ideas. I tried adding Nurti-drench to the water, but I was probably too late, or not hand feeding her enough to help.
So, we're raising a small flock of chicks. We started with 6 but two sadly passed due to rough handling in transit. We have 2 buff orpingtons and 2 white leghorns. 1 of the buff orpingtons almost died because she didn't want to drink water, but we nursed her back to health. It's been 5 days since then and she's now half the size of the other 3 chickens. We see her eating and drinking and she's full of energy but because of her size the other chickens bully her. They peck at her eyes, they shove her around, and they hog the food. If anyone has ideas on what i should do or how bad it should be before we intervene i would greatly appreciate it.

This is the thread from when my chick was weak. Maybe there's information in it that you can use. Best Wishes on a good outcome.
I would separate her with just a bit of screen a couple times a day. This will give her time to eat without competition.

Also, not all chicks make it, often times it is genetic. There really isn’t anything you can do about it. So do your best, but don’t feel guilty. That is really all people can do is give them a good opportunity to live.

Mrs K

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