Sliver Pheasants dying


May 1, 2024
I'm new here and at raising pheasants so help is needed and would be greatly appreciated.
So far this year I have hatched 11 eggs, all have died within 3 days, yesterday the female died as well. All others birds, ringnecks, quail, mallards, chickens have done great.
The death of the pheasants including the female has been horrible to see.
How are they housed? Are they in close proximity to other birds, ie; chickens? How are you brooding the chick's? Have you wormed the adult birds? What are the signs/symptoms of the birds before dying? Sorry for all the questions but more information about the conditions and symptoms will help to figure out what the issue(s) are with your birds.
They are near ringnecks and quail. The female gave no symptoms but died in the same manner as the chicks. They all are on their backs in what looks like a convulsion.
They are near ringnecks and quail. The female gave no symptoms but died in the same manner as the chicks. They all are on their backs in what looks like a convulsion.
What are you feeding them? Are you feeding any grains, such as wheat, rye, or scratch grains?

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