Slow feathering chick what to do?


Sep 23, 2024
Obviously this isn't a huge issue however I'm looking for advice on putting it in the coop.
I have 22 chicks at 4 weeks old and one is rather small and only has the tips of its wings for feathering.
They're running out of room in the brooder and I need them out by next week or they may start getting rough with each other.
I have seen some of the other chicks acting as a hen towards it and allowing it to be under their wings but I don't know if this will be enough heat for it if I move them.
I can't leave it by itself in the brooder however I have considered taking the least feathered ones and leaving it some company. This would include me reintroducing them to the flock once feathered enough for the coop.
-Nights have been anywhere from 60-40F
I just don't know what the best option would be so any advice is welcomed.

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