SLWs? 10 weeks


Premium Feather Member
Jul 8, 2024
West Michigan
Both are from Family Farm & Home, they were in the BSL bin and I used a guide to identify them when we first got them.

Here they are as young chicks (I think I took these pics the day or day after we brought them home)


And here they are now at 10 weeks. First Gytha:



She has a single comb

And Magrat:



Is that a rose comb? With a spike? Or something else?

Are they Silver Laced Wyandottes? And can someone explain how combs come into play in different breeds? SLWs are supposed to have rose combs but Gytha has a single comb. As another example, SGEs are apparently supposed to have pea combs but I've seen a lot of pictures of ones with single combs. It doesn't seem so set in stone to me so it confuses me sometimes. 😆
Some of the breeds that were used to create wyandottes had single combs, so it does pop up from time to time. Because single combs are recessive to both rose combs and pea combs they can hide in breeds that are supposed to have the dominant comb type. It's pretty common in hatchery wyandottes, where they're more concerned with the number of chicks they hatch than how well their birds match the breed description.

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