We have a tiny flock of 3 (they are all just over a year old) and one of them is laying soft shell eggs, on and off for about a month now. No other symptoms of illness that I can detect- poop seems fine, no respiratory distress aside from the occasional sneeze usually when dust bathing- which they've all always done. We have oyster shell in a dish that they do eat. They had always been on a 50/50 mix of layer feed and crumble from the feed store, but I ran out and couldn't get to the feed store at the end of March so I ordered Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve from Chewy because it looked most like the feed store food- they HATED it and didn't eat well for about a week, so I gave it to a neighbor and got the feed store food back. That was right around when the soft shell eggs started appearing, so I feel like it may be related but maybe not. I believe it's my Wyndotte but not 100% sure. It's not every egg, it's like one every couple of eggs. We do not have a vet that sees chickens here so I am wondering what I can do to better dx the problem. I am wondering if there is not a bigger underlying issue because I don't think it's calcium. I know there are mail-in fecal test kits for worms and parasites- would something like that be a good idea? Could parasites cause SS eggs? I worry from googling that it could be IB or Newcastle or Salmonella because those were all the things that came up when searching soft shell eggs- is it possible to test for those from home?