Janet Brad
- Feb 23, 2024
- 33
- 91
- 69
Hi all, I wondered if anyone might throw light on why my free range orpington flock who have been laying eggs with good shells would suddenly drop soft eggs from their perch. I discovered 4 from my flock of 10 hens today, when i opened the coup up at dawn. So far I've collected 4 hard shell eggs so not all are laying soft ones.
Its been a week of hot days but cool enough nights.
I've been zealous about scraping the coup clean to keep mites at bay. I sprayed the plywood coup floor with ammonia and a miticide yesterday morning, and last week, to deal to mites. (I hate the idea of mites troubling my feathered friends so we are slowly switching all our wood based chook housing and nesting boxes to metal) One of the soft egg had mites on it so they are still active but it is summer here, so to be expected. And I read somewhere that cguckens are sensitive to ammonia alhough it had dried off and I can't smell it. Perhaps with the door shut at night it is more apparent???
Foodwise: They get layer pellets, meatbird crumble and pullet pellets (we have 2 month old pullets in the flock and a few molting and broody hen so some meals are tailored to their needs).Perhaps the laying hens need more calcium. Will add oyster shells and more crunched up egg shells.
Do molting hens lay soft shell eggs when they start back laying?
Comments or advice welcomed!
Its been a week of hot days but cool enough nights.
I've been zealous about scraping the coup clean to keep mites at bay. I sprayed the plywood coup floor with ammonia and a miticide yesterday morning, and last week, to deal to mites. (I hate the idea of mites troubling my feathered friends so we are slowly switching all our wood based chook housing and nesting boxes to metal) One of the soft egg had mites on it so they are still active but it is summer here, so to be expected. And I read somewhere that cguckens are sensitive to ammonia alhough it had dried off and I can't smell it. Perhaps with the door shut at night it is more apparent???
Foodwise: They get layer pellets, meatbird crumble and pullet pellets (we have 2 month old pullets in the flock and a few molting and broody hen so some meals are tailored to their needs).Perhaps the laying hens need more calcium. Will add oyster shells and more crunched up egg shells.
Do molting hens lay soft shell eggs when they start back laying?
Comments or advice welcomed!