Softshell egg AND yolk at the same time? What do I need to be watching her for?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
South of DFW
Were were out working in the run and my red sexlink layed a soft shelled egg but I think there was also egg yolk next to it. I picked her up to check her... She had some yolk on her beak (assuming she pecked at it) and a little yolk below her vent. The egg still seemed to be intact but super soft. Before I could get a picture another chicken stepped on it an broke it. Then it hit me that there was probably yolk and a softshell egg because of the yolk on her vent and beak. She immediatly seem to not feel very good. I wtached her and she perked up a little so I kept working and decided to watch her. I left to run some errands and came back to check on her. she walked around a little in the run and then into the coop and layed down...seemingly not feeling well. I have her soaking in a warm epsom salt bath now. what else should I watch for or check? She is 32 weeks old and has been laying for maybe 2 months.
I’m a little confused- you’re saying the egg was not broken for sure, or are you saying you just thought it wasn’t? Maybe I’m just struggling to read this correctly, so I apologize if that’s the case. Here’s what my interpretation tells me:

You saying that there was yolk at her vent means another thin shelled egg probably broke and is in there ready to brew up an infection (if it hasn’t yet already). Even if she passed the shell, the yolk being in there is still dangerous. This will kill her if left untreated. If you have access to an avian vet, bring her in ASAP. You’re going to need antibiotics to combat the issue, there really isn’t another way to treat it.

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