Something is wrong with my chicken. Please help


Sep 21, 2024
Can someone please help figure out what's wrong with my girl Gypsy?! She has never let me touch her. Today she is letting me pick her up and pet her. It looks like she's trying to breath but I can tell she is. She hasn't really eaten that I have seen today, but the little she took out of my hand. It seems like she's falling sleep while standing. Her wings seem to be hanging lower than normal as well. My other chickens have been a little more protective of her as well. I'm getting really worried about her. Can anyone please help point in the right direction?
How old is she? Does she lay eggs? Is she gasping for air? What does her poop look like? Are there any bubbles or foam in her eyes? Have you added any new birds to her flock recently? Have you had any problems with coccidiosis? If she is having runny poops, I might treat for possible coccidiosis with Corid. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 5 days. Until then offer sips of water with electrolytes or a bit of sugar water.
No foam or anything around the eyes. Yes I just noticed very runny poop. She was born around mother's day, not laying eggs yet. No new birds outside but we have a few babies in house. Can I buy that off the shelf in Ontario?
I think that you have to buy amprollium (the generic form of Corid) from a vet office. A few years ago some Canadians would post that they would go in and ask for it, and they would be given enough for a round of it. I would get it started soon if you can. We can get Corid here in most feed stores or Tractor Supplies without a prescription. Cattle farmers sometimes use it for scours, if you know any. Other medications vets use to treat coccidiosis are toltrazuril and sulfa antibiotics. I would keep giving her fluids and offer some plain yogurt with cultures, maybe some egg.

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