Sour crop or something else?


Jul 10, 2024
I have a 19 week old hen. She started laying last Monday and has been doing great. Today I noticed she’s been “throwing up” or spiting up fluid. She’s eating and drinking normal and acting normal. No lethargy or anything weird except the liquid. He poop is mostly watering since it’s been hot out but that’s it. When I massage her crop, it’s pretty squishy but I can feel a sand like texture in there like it would be her crumbles. I just started them on Kalmbach 17% layer feed and have been mixing it in with there starter feed since not all the girls are laying yet. I isolated her inside and took food and water from her to see how her crop feels in the morning. Does anyone know what this could possibly be? She’s kind of always had a softer crop but has never thrown up until today.

I should add, her breath does not stink. Her vomit is either clear or a lighter yellow/cream color with some food in it. They only free range about 3-4 times a week for about 30 mins.
Update: her crop is not a watery right now and has gone down. I can still squish it and move it around, but definitely more firm. She is still being held from food and water.
Today I noticed she’s been “throwing up” or spiting up fluid. She’s eating and drinking normal and acting normal. No lethargy or anything weird except the liquid.

When I massage her crop, it’s pretty squishy but I can feel a sand like texture in there like it would be her crumbles. I just started them on Kalmbach 17% layer feed and have been mixing it in with there starter feed since not all the girls are laying yet. I isolated her inside and took food and water from her to see how her crop feels in the morning.

Update: her crop is not a watery right now and has gone down. I can still squish it and move it around, but definitely more firm. She is still being held from food and water.
It's not that uncommon for a hen to spit up a bit of water after they have been eating/drinking, especially in hot weather.

If she's been eating/drinking, you are going to feel food/water/grit, etc. in the crop.

Don't withhold water during waking hours and especially not in hot weather, a bird always needs access to stay hydrated. If you feel it's necessary to withhold food for a day, then that's not quite so bad.

If she's acting normal, then put her with her flock so she can roost. Go out early and check the crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink.

If the crop has not emptied, then address the symptom.

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