Speckled Sussex vs Welsumer


6 Years
Jun 24, 2018
Was supposed to get two Speckled Sussex but think I may have one SS and one Welsummer. Do the chicks look similar. The SS has spots at 3weeks. The Welsumer contender has a mask and back dark brown line still but just blotchy or variegated. BLOTCHES vs spots. Speckled on left and possible Welsummer on right??? Can you also tell sex by markings?


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Chicks of both breeds look almost identical, so it's very possible you have a Welsummer, and I think you do. It's a little early to tell gender, but if the Welsummer's chest feathers come in light brownish, which it looks like they're doing, she's a pullet. If they're black, it's a cockerel. You might have to wait until the Sussex is a little older, you can't really tell gender by color on that one. Cockerels do tend to get very white chests though, so that's sometimes helpful.
Chicks of both breeds look almost identical, so it's very possible you have a Welsummer, and I think you do. It's a little early to tell gender, but if the Welsummer's chest feathers come in light brownish, which it looks like they're doing, she's a pullet. If they're black, it's a cockerel. You might have to wait until the Sussex is a little older, you can't really tell gender by color on that one. Cockerels do tend to get very white chests though, so that's sometimes helpful.
Her fluff is very tan. I think she is a she also. Now the SS has a bright white set of feathers coming out and it is bigger than the Welsummer although both were supposed to be the same 2-3 day olds.
Her fluff is very tan. I think she is a she also. Now the SS has a bright white set of feathers coming out and it is bigger than the Welsummer although both were supposed to be the same 2-3 day olds.
Size doesn't really mean much at this age, it's really comb development we look for, and they're a bit young for that.

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