Splash genetics in Jerseys and Australorps


In the Brooder
Jul 22, 2024
I have a dozen Jersey Giants that are black, blue, or splash (and one blue rooster) and I also have black and splash Australorps. I'm going to be introducing a splash Australorp rooster this spring. I'm not an SOP breeder, I just love the body style of the U-shaped hens over the round basketball-shaped hens (i.e. orpingtons, sussex). I'm wondering if the splash jersey and splash australorp genetics are similar enough that I might end up with some splash crosses? TIA!
Thank you, I wasn't sure that the splash gene in Jerseys was the same splash gene in Australorps. For example there are blue brahmas and lavender brahmas and they look somewhat similar but they are different genes.
Yep, blue and splash are caused by the same gene in all breeds. One copy of the gene diluted black to blue. Two copies makes splash. So with a splash rooster over black, blue, and splash hens you will only get blue and splash chicks.

You're right, lavender is a different gene. And just to cause further confusion, sometimes it is also called "self blue."
Tengo una docena de Jersey Giants que son negros, azules o salpicados (y un gallo azul) y también tengo Australorp negros y salpicados. Voy a presentar un gallo Australorp salpicado esta primavera. No soy un criador de SOP, simplemente me encanta el estilo de cuerpo de las gallinas en forma de U en comparación con las gallinas redondas con forma de baloncesto (es decir, orpingtons, sussex). Me pregunto si la genética de los Jersey salpicados y los Australorp salpicados son lo suficientemente similares como para que pueda terminar con algunos cruces salpicados. ¡Gracias!
yoola y gracias a todos, podrias vender algunos pollitos¿¿¿

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