Hi There!
If you had this list of chickens, with two roosters (a bantam calico cochin and a black copper marans) what breeds would you cross and/or hatch from? Who would you cross? I know the BCM with any blue egg layer will be an olive Egger - we have done that one last year and it was GREAT! But seeing if there is anything else out there.
Here’s the LONG LIST!
Blue cochin LF
Black cochin LF
Buff cochin LF
White Cochin LF
Partridge cochin LF
Calico Cochin Bantam
Mille Fleur Cochin Bantam
Black Star
Red Star
Buff Laced Polish
Whiting true blue
Whiting true green
Golden Laced Sebright
Saphhire Gem Olive Egger
Black copper Marans
Salmon Faverolle
Pumpkin Moss Egger (project breed from another breeder)
Lavender Orpington
Black Orpington
Frizzle Easter Egger
Dark brahma
Cream legbar
White sultan
Added a few photos of my flock.
If you had this list of chickens, with two roosters (a bantam calico cochin and a black copper marans) what breeds would you cross and/or hatch from? Who would you cross? I know the BCM with any blue egg layer will be an olive Egger - we have done that one last year and it was GREAT! But seeing if there is anything else out there.
Here’s the LONG LIST!
Blue cochin LF
Black cochin LF
Buff cochin LF
White Cochin LF
Partridge cochin LF
Calico Cochin Bantam
Mille Fleur Cochin Bantam
Black Star
Red Star
Buff Laced Polish
Whiting true blue
Whiting true green
Golden Laced Sebright
Saphhire Gem Olive Egger
Black copper Marans
Salmon Faverolle
Pumpkin Moss Egger (project breed from another breeder)
Lavender Orpington
Black Orpington
Frizzle Easter Egger
Dark brahma
Cream legbar
White sultan
Added a few photos of my flock.