
Jul 17, 2022
Omg omg omg ... so there's a commotion over in quailville ... Me thinking "oh no boys are fighting" Dustin was chasing the other boys up to a different level of their cage (3 tier cage) nothing overly vicious a few clicks n ruffled feathers between em but they chilled out pretty fast ... just went to check on them again n Dustin is alone in the bottom tier. Pancaked .... hmmmmm what is he sitting on I wonder? Only my crews few ever egg!! He's DEFINITELY male (pik included) egg removed and popped in the 'bator "just in case" and to stop any more squabbles over laying on it (all 4 boys were snuggled up laying on the egg together before the squabble)

I know its probably too early to be viable but I really really hope this hatches.



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Button quail males will sometimes share incubating duties with his girl.
My girls were not interested in joining the boys 4some pancake pile ... they've gone bk to peacefully preening each other pancaked where the egg used to be. No more running them off now the egg has been removed.

Girls are avoiding them all and keeping to a different tier of the cage away from the bromance thts going on downstairs 😂

I only have 2 females currently and their chosen mates were both part of the pancake pile with the two single dudes which I think are lovers.

I just thought it was odd for males to behave this way 😅

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