st. john's wort dosage

Symptoms that may be Marek's. Initially she just seemed a little off balance, but I observed her for a little longer today and noticed crouch walking. She began molting just after Thanksgiving and only has about half of her feathers back in. I treated her with Wyzine and Nutri-Drench. If symptoms continue or get worse was thinking of trying the St. John's Wort as I have had Marek's in my flock a year and a half ago. I have 300 mg quick release capsules. If dilute with water, how much and then how many ml should I give?
I'm sorry to hear about your hen - molting can be very hard on them and underlying illnesses and conditions can present during this time. You may also want to increase her protein either by offering chick starter, all flock or give her chopped egg, tuna or meat for a while (in addition to her normal feed). I've found molting hens crave egg and fresh greens, so that's an idea. Nutri-Drench is good, I always have it, but you may want to offer her B Vitamins along with the Nutri-Drench - crush 1/2tablet of human Super B complex Vitamins (no iron) and mix that with her food once a week.

You can always try herbal remedies but dosages can be tricky - if you have a way to consult a naturalist or holistic practitioner that would be best.
I have seen St. John's Wort referenced as treatment for Marek's disease, but don't think I know about dosages. There are quite a few posts here on BYC about it - search for "Hypericum" and you should find the results.

@Nambroth also mentions it in her detailed article about Marek's you may find some good information there as well

Here's a few links I've found for St. John's Wort - I hope that helps (
I'm sorry to hear about your hen - molting can be very hard on them and underlying illnesses and conditions can present during this time. You may also want to increase her protein either by offering chick starter, all flock or give her chopped egg, tuna or meat for a while (in addition to her normal feed). I've found molting hens crave egg and fresh greens, so that's an idea. Nutri-Drench is good, I always have it, but you may want to offer her B Vitamins along with the Nutri-Drench - crush 1/2tablet of human Super B complex Vitamins (no iron) and mix that with her food once a week.

You can always try herbal remedies but dosages can be tricky - if you have a way to consult a naturalist or holistic practitioner that would be best.
I have seen St. John's Wort referenced as treatment for Marek's disease, but don't think I know about dosages. There are quite a few posts here on BYC about it - search for "Hypericum" and you should find the results.

@Nambroth also mentions it in her detailed article about Marek's you may find some good information there as well

Here's a few links I've found for St. John's Wort - I hope that helps (
If you use Hypericum in the homeopathic preparation - pellets - you don't need to worry too much about dosage in the typical way. A few - 3 to 5 - of the pellets given once a day for 3 days, then wait and observe results. :D

Suggest Hypericum30C... Boiron is a reputable brand available online.
@CarolinaSunshineFlock recently used Hypericum for paralysis and her rooster Henry readily picked up the pellets from a small bowl as they resemble seeds and taste like sugar. ;)
Homeopathic remedies is science based medicine. They are affordable and one vial will last you a long time.

And you can't overdose, so they're totally safe.

Drop the pellets in a small bowl as your chicken is watching. She'll go nuts for them and get hyper focused as she beaks each one into her mouth. Don't expect an immediate positive reaction. Holistic medicine triggers the body's own tendency to heal itself and it can take time.

But with my rooster I was able to see noticeable positive responses in a matter of a few days, and with nerve healing in his injured hip, he went from paralysis one day to ever so slight movement the next day. It was remarkable and not at all what I was expecting to see so soon.

With Marek's the process may be quite different, but I do believe homeopathics can be used to heal and manage this disease to some degree, if not entirely. Maybe @biophiliac can suggest a combination of remedies to try.

ETA: One more note to consider. Homeopathic remedy vials only have room for a short and broad description of what each one is designed to accomplish. The spectrum of possibilities is actually quite broad and includes emotional healing as well. There's an art to using them, so keep that in mind when you see a simple description like 'Use for swelling or bruising' and yet that remedy is prescribed for serious injuries.

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