Stinky Chicks


Mar 20, 2024
We got 6 Golden Comets back in March from TS. We kept them in the house until they were old enough to go outside. We now have hatched 2 Cochin mixes but they are smelling not as pleasant as the GC's. I know I'm doing different this time but I didn't think it would matter as I only have 2 this time. Last time, used wooden brooder box, cedar shavings, and had them in our bathroom. This time I'm using a small tote with pine shavings and have them in our camper. I'm about to break out the old trusty Brooder box again and bring them in (because that worked last time, but was trying to consolidate). I'm wondering if it's the different approach? or the different breed? or Both?

Is there a cover on the tote? How is the ventilation? Standard Cochins are bigger than Golden Comets and have bigger poops. If you're fine with it, I'd just go back with the original brooder.

The cedar shaving might have helped with the smell, but they're not safe for chickens.

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