Storing fresh wood chips


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2024
Just getting started with small flock of chickens and a couple of geese. Plan on using sand in my 20x10 ft run. Hurricane Helene took out 13 trees on my property and wanted to have the chips available for birds and garden. I just wanted to know the best way to store for birds. Have heard if too green could create a toxic environment. My tree guys can't chip until Jan anyway which means no green. I have a huge Sycamore and pines mainly. Should I store in plastic totes, or an open wooden bin? My coop and run will be housed under my 3 sided pole barn that stays very dry. Thank you!
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Just leave it outdoors in the open wood bin and turn every once in a while with a shovel to prevent moisture build up in the center of the pile. Store bought bedding is kiln dried which makes it okay to put in plastic bags, but regular milled non-kiln dried wood chips need to be left out in the open. If you were to put fresh milled wood chips in plastic it will grow mold and other bacteria.
They'll still be kinda green by January.
The wood anyway, luckily all the green leaves will be gone.
I wouldn't try to put them in any kind of container.
Do you have a place to just pile them up on the ground?
Do you plan on using in a coop or a run?
I really plan to use construction sand in my secured 10x20 ft run which will house 2 coups. 1 for my 2 geese and 1 for my 5 chickens. It will be under a 3 sided pole barn. I am also using premier fencing around the barn and out into pasture for extra grazing. Sounds a bit overkill but I've watched neighbors lose all of their chickens to predators. We have them all except for bear or bobcats. Just needed an extra secure area for them if fence failed and when I leave them. So I will have a large area outside the caged run that is currently dirt. I thought I may use chips especially in winter and later in their coup when it has dried out more. Just how do you know when chips can be put into coup? Had a huge pine and Sycamore taken down during Helene. Is there a magic # of weeks? May be a dumb question. But a first timer here! Thanks so much!
Should I store in plastic totes, or an open wooden bin?
Definitely not in totes, and a bin shouldn't be needed either. I have the tree service just dump it next to the shed in the middle of grass and weeds.
Just how do you know when chips can be put into coup? Had a huge pine and Sycamore taken down during Helene. Is there a magic # of weeks?
No magic timer. Longer is better but optimally I'd give it a month at least after it's chipped, to let it dry out and let sap and oils dissipate.
May I ask why you would not use the sand? Have read many reviews about sand and how people preferred it over the chips or other materials. My pole barn stays very dry.

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