Strange activity with our hen!!


May 10, 2023
Austin, Texas
We currently have 4 hens, 1 is a normal egg layer, another is still a bit young so she doesn’t lay often. Our other 2 are diffrent, 1 is just laying on the eggs all day and doesn’t get out, my guess is that she is broody but doesn’t know when to come out to eat and stuff, i still feed her though she’s doing okay! Our final hen, the oldest, is just walking around puffing up and growling at anyone who approaches her. I believe she is becoming broody, there have been times where she’s kicked out the hen inside the nesting box. She runs away when our rooster approaches her it’s just all weird. I have a few questions.

1. Is she going to be broody?
2. Should i be concerned about the other hen just being in the nesting box all day (she sleeps there too)
3. What’s going on!!!!
Sounds to me (just a guess) that you have two broodies who want the same nest. One knows if she gets off the other will steal the eggs, the other wants the nest as well but can't dislodge the "interloper."

Is the younger sitting on fertilized eggs? Do you want chicks?
1. Is she going to be broody?
2. Should i be concerned about the other hen just being in the nesting box all day (she sleeps there too)
3. What’s going on!!!!
Yes, judging by your description you have two broodies. One already committed hence on the eggs day and night, the other not yet ready but you might also see her soon spending the night in one of the nest boxes.

For how long has the one broody already been on the eggs? How many days and nights?

Do you want one or both of them to hatch eggs?
Yes, judging by your description you have two broodies. One already committed hence on the eggs day and night, the other not yet ready but you might also see her soon spending the night in one of the nest boxes.

For how long has the one broody already been on the eggs? How many days and nights?

Do you want one or both of them to hatch eggs?
The one constantly on the nesting box has been on there for close to a week in total. We generally don’t want to hatch them but we don’t mind, we only want the one currently on the nesting box to lay.
The one constantly on the nesting box has been on there for close to a week in total. We generally don’t want to hatch them but we don’t mind, we only want the one currently on the nesting box to lay.
In case you want to allow her to hatch a few chicks it is best to separate her from the others or at least secure her nest so no other hen is able to access and add more eggs to it.
You can candle the eggs in her nest, mark them with a pencil and put back only the fertile ones that are at a similar stage of development. This will prevent a staggered hatch later on.
In case she does not leave the nest at all to defecate, drink and eat you could lift her carefully from the eggs every other day for 10-15 minutes to encourage her to dustbathe eat etc.

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