Strange "dirty egg laid and another caterpillar eaten


8 Years
May 9, 2016
Southeast PA
So I had a hen lay this egg on the deck which leads to the coop. Strange how it is not clean. Other thing to note: it was laid between 6:30 and 7:00 pm anything to worry about?


The other thing I saw was one of my birds eat this guy: now she is just sitting. Not sure if she will eat since it is so late. She just ate it. I am hoping it is not poisonous to her. I think it is a eastern black swallowtail catapillar.
Egg looks like excess membrane on it...probably just a glitch.
Is bird a new layer?

Not sure about the caterpillar.
Relatively speaking, yes. She has been laying for about 2 months. Now this morning, there was another egg laid which had no shell on it. I know it is not all that uncommon, but at the same time I do not know if it was from the same hen. It could have come from any one of the 11 I have.

I guess the catapillar was okay to eat because they were all alert this morning!

Thank you.
There are many things that can cause 'funky' eggs.....many are temporary, others are not.
Stress from changes...almost any probably the number one reason.
It can be hard to pinpoint what/who/why....can take lots of time and patient observation.

I usually don't worry unless the same 'problem' gets laid multiple times.

Glad to hear the caterpillar eater is OK.

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