Strange powder-coated egg found


May 11, 2024
I found this odd, powdery-coated egg in the run today. What causes this strange coating?


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It sure does.

How old are your birds, in weeks or months?
Have you broken egg open, is shell thick or thin?
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
These Ameracanas are 23 weeks old now. I have a feeder out with grit , one with oyster shell, then one with chick starter/grower ( for my 15 week old pullets) and one out with Kalmbach Layer Feed mixed with a small amount of scratch grains.
Two of the other Americanas are producing strong, normal thickness shells. This one sounds thinner if you tap it with your fingernail.
These Ameracanas are 23 weeks old now. I have a feeder out with grit , one with oyster shell, then one with chick starter/grower ( for my 15 week old pullets) and one out with Kalmbach Layer Feed mixed with a small amount of scratch grains.
How long has she been laying?
I'd cut out the layer(or definitely stop mixing scratch into it) and just keep them all on chick feed or all flock....with the OS always available.

The coating is likely just a glitch.
How long has she been laying?
I'd cut out the layer(or definitely stop mixing scratch into it) and just keep them all on chick feed or all flock....with the OS always available.

The coating is likely just a glitch.
No layer feed? I have 6 others who are all laying normally. What is bad about layer feed? What is bad about scratch grains?
No layer feed? I have 6 others who are all laying normally. What is bad about layer feed? What is bad about scratch grains?
Lower nutrition levels in layer feed, adding scratch grain lowers it further.
Layer is fine, it's just easier to use a higher protein feed, especially if you want to feed 'treats'.
I've never fed anything but 20% all flock, but I've always had non-layers(chicks, males, molting hens) in my flock.
Lower nutrition levels in layer feed, adding scratch grain lowers it further.
Layer is fine, it's just easier to use a higher protein feed, especially if you want to feed 'treats'.
I've never fed anything but 20% all flock, but I've always had non-layers(chicks, males, molting hens) in my flock.
Thanks for the advice. I'm relatively new to raising chickens, so this helps.

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