lagrange chicks
So my 26 week old easter egger pullet has been laying shell less eggs which I am starting to think is from stress. She was pretty sick last week. She has always been low in pecking order and basically a loner. My flock is an easter egger cockerel, 2 easter egger pullets and 5 barred rock pullets. I've seen the cockerel mate her before she was sick but now she does everything she can to keep away from him to the point of me being worried she will break her neck flying into something. There are a couple barred rocks that go after her also and it has gotten to the point where she doesn't want to be by any of the flock mates unless it's sitting on a roost. I have 3 feeders and waters spread around the 5 foot x 21foot coop and run. When she goes to eat a barred rock will see her and go investigate and the easter egger gets the heck out of there just thinking she may get picked at (she is terrified of being pecked at). I have thought about separating her but worried it might be worse putting her back with the rest of the flock. Also I thought of giving her own small coop and run but worry she won't survive a Wisconsin winter by her self. Not sure what to do with her at this point. I wish she would stand up to the barred rocks but she doesn't have a mean bone in here body. Let me know what you would do? Thanks.