In the Brooder
So a few months ago we successfully integrated two silkies and a Americana into our flock of four, after some issues of pecking order and a silkie getting a hole pecked into her back we were sure we hand gotten through the worst of it. When I went to collect eggs today the bottom silkie was beaten and sprawled out in the coop. She was barely alive so I ended her pain, I just want to ask if there was anything to cause this that could have been avoided. The last silkie has already been bullied today that I’ve seen while dealing with the other, I know chickens will be chickens but it still sucks. Anyone have advice? I worried that the last silkie won’t last long being alone, she hides a lot in the coop but is still social with us. In order of dominance we have a delaware, ISA brown, 4 Americanas, and the single silkie.