Sudden death

Thank you for the reply. I wasn’t sure if the rooster chasing her was more of a method of culling. I’ve seen him attack another hen who was noticeably sick and had to be euthanized many years ago. yea all very strange. there is no way internal laying has a sudden death effect right? They’d be lethargic first I’d assume?
Yes, there would be many symptoms - bloating, weird stance (penguin like), lethargy or restlessness, no appetite, etc.

Also, roosters and alpha hens could chase, attack and even kill sick birds in order to protect the flock. That's why it's a good idea to isolate sick birds.
Yes, there would be many symptoms - bloating, weird stance (penguin like), lethargy or restlessness, no appetite, etc.

Also, roosters and alpha hens could chase, attack and even kill sick birds in order to protect the flock. That's why it's a good idea to isolate sick birds.
I always isolate at sign of an issue. This bird was one of my most active even with the molting. she was even flying (during the first chase).
I figured there would be some signs. I do always isolate the sick bird as well but this bird was one of my most active. I am definitely regretting not trying CPR. RIP

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