Starting yesterday my top hen was lethargic and just standing but the water dispenser all day. When I let them out in the evening for free range time I noticed the right side of her chest was bulging. She was so meh feeling she let me handle her. Her crop felt like a big water balloon. Just picking her up and palpating it made her vomit fluid a bit. She still wants to eat and drink. But is getting weak, toppling over. She stopped laying eggs 6 months ago. She used to lay a nice brown egg every morning. She’s an Amber White and is 3 years old. Normally very independent and wants to be first out the coop door in the morning. She was sick last summer but was impacted with grass which she passes and then was better. She was also really pale two weeks ago and I thought it might be worms so I gave her diatomaceous earth in her feed and her color cane back and she was herself again. Norma this suddenly. I will say that I put some organic fertilizer in some of my plant pots and it looks like feed crumbles and they all were trying to eat it. But she’s the only one who is not well. I know she likes the feed when it gets wet and cakey so I let her eat it that way. I’m worried it’s like a cement blob in her. The UGA animal ER won’t do an X-ray and wants me to euthanize. They’ll only do that or a full work up costing $1200+. I asked to take her home. They said they’d give her some fluids and antibiotics to take home but I have to sign an AMA form. I’m still waiting for them to release to me. Please help. Thanks