Suffering? Help!


Apr 17, 2023
Greensboro, NC
I had 6 eggs hatch today and my last one needed a little help because it was slightly shrink wrapped (not bad at all, just stuck in the membrane a bit). Now that it’s out I feel like there’s something going on with it. Ontop of what you can see, it’s just laying on its back shaking. Is it dying and should I put it out of its misery or does it just need some more time? It does thrash around and peep a bit. It’s also acting like it’s swallowing sometimes too.

It’s out of my naked neck hen which is why the no neck feathers but everything else is just scarce feathers.


Does it's head look swollen to you? It's hard to tell in these pics.

How is it doing now?
I felt like the entire chick looked swollen when it hatched, but it’s been going down. I keep thinking it’s dying on me and then it flails around and chirps really loud. It’s still laying on its side breathing like a chick should.

I also don’t think I’ve seen it open its eyes yet.
Chick is still alive this morning, but still laying on its side/back in the incubator. I did manage to see it open its eyes as well today. I do feel like it looks a little less puffy?

I’m just not sure what to do here. It almost feels like it needed another day in the egg and it hatched early. Can this little guy pull together and be okay?

Picture of it this morning

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