Sulfadimethoxine use?

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Has anyone ever successfully treated chickens with CRD with sulfadimethoxine soluble powder? I got it along with some VetRX to treat my chickens. I was hoping the VetRX would do the job, but I'm hearing more wheezing in my coop and the ones who are the sickest aren't getting better. The sulf. powder package says in can be used on meat chickens, but does not say anything about egg layers. I know I'd probably have to throw away their eggs for awhile, and as painful as that is, I don't care as long as my chooks get better!! Also, would it be okay to treat the whole flock even though all of them don't "have" CRD?
I haven't used it in my flock, but it is commonly used to treat coryza, and some intestinal infections such as coccidiosis and fowl cholera. It is similar to Sulmet. CRD is an abbreviation for chronic respiratory disease which usually refers to mycoplasma or MG, even though coryza can be chronic. It would be best to identify the disease which can be done with nasal swabs by your local extension agent or department of agriculture. MG is more commonly treated with Tylan, oxytetracycline, Gallimycin, and Denagard.
Thank you. I cannot find any Tylan anywhere near me. The only thing I can find is the oxytetracycline. Does that have an egg withdrawal period?
Sulfa drugs do treat some gram positive bacteria also, such as strep and staph, but is used more in poultry for cocci, coryza, and fowl cholera.
Actually, sulfa drugs are not the safest drugs for chickens, since they can have side effects on kidneys and hearing. Dosage should be foolowed carefully. For coccidiosis, the safest drug is amprollium (Corid, Ampromed, Coxoid) that treats all know strains of coccidia that affects chickens. Either is used commonly for egg layers. There is no egg withdrawal with Corid (amprollium) since it is not an antibiotic. Sulfa drugs (Sulmet, Sulfadimethoxine, Dimethox, Albon) are antibiotics, and waiting several weeks after treatment to resume eating eggs would be wise.
My chicken vet just gave it to me to treat mycoplasmosis and the dosage is pretty high for 6 days. .25 oz per gallon of water. Guess I am going to have to trust him on this since the directions on the package say to add the package to 50 gal of water, not the 15 gal it works out to with this dosage. Also my chickens are over the age limit, but he is a vet and should know what he is doing. They have been pretty sick and passing it around. Said to withdraw eggs for 5 days after treatment. This is an old thread, but maybe someone can make me less nervous about this. :rolleyes:

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