So some of my spring chicks finally started laying, two days in a row I have gotten a brown egg that is so speckled it is almost white! The speckles fade when I hold the egg and come back once it is left alone. The brown is quite dark under the speckles but its hard to tell. What is going on (photos below)
Feed: I feed a mixed flock feed, just started fermenting feed, minimal treats, i havent put out oyster shells in a while as they werent laying for over 2 months, so I would be skeptical about calcium build up?
Back ground: I have a flock of 25 and prior to winter only 15 were laying (marans, brown hens, ameraucanas) Since then I have had 3 different colours of eggs show up in the nesting box that dont belong to any of those who were previously laying. One I know for sure is from my barred rock, the rest of my girls are likely mixes.
Any thing to be concerned about, or can I just enjoy these beauties worry free?
So some of my spring chicks finally started laying, two days in a row I have gotten a brown egg that is so speckled it is almost white! The speckles fade when I hold the egg and come back once it is left alone. The brown is quite dark under the speckles but its hard to tell. What is going on (photos below)
Feed: I feed a mixed flock feed, just started fermenting feed, minimal treats, i havent put out oyster shells in a while as they werent laying for over 2 months, so I would be skeptical about calcium build up?
Back ground: I have a flock of 25 and prior to winter only 15 were laying (marans, brown hens, ameraucanas) Since then I have had 3 different colours of eggs show up in the nesting box that dont belong to any of those who were previously laying. One I know for sure is from my barred rock, the rest of my girls are likely mixes.
Any thing to be concerned about, or can I just enjoy these beauties worry free?