Super weird droppings


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2021
I currently have 5 barred rock hens ranging from 5-6 years in age that have been very off lately.

Their droppings have been weird lately but this one takes the cake, I'm not really sure what would cause this so I'm looking for advice. I've been giving them supplements trying to make sure they're as healthy as possible but they've all just been hanging out in the coop all day.

They don't really have any symptoms of anything, they all have bright combs and are eating and drinking fine so I'm at a loss.

I also had one hen "throw up". She leaned her head down and some watery food came up.

To answer some questions before they're asked: No, none of them are currently laying. They've all molted already, and were dewormed at the start of the year. They're all eating and drinking fine, as well as a healthy weight.


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I currently have 5 barred rock hens ranging from 5-6 years in age that have been very off lately.

Their droppings have been weird lately but this one takes the cake, I'm not really sure what would cause this so I'm looking for advice. I've been giving them supplements trying to make sure they're as healthy as possible but they've all just been hanging out in the coop all day.

They don't really have any symptoms of anything, they all have bright combs and are eating and drinking fine so I'm at a loss.

I also had one hen "throw up". She leaned her head down and some watery food came up.

To answer some questions before they're asked: No, none of them are currently laying. They've all molted already, and were dewormed at the start of the year. They're all eating and drinking fine, as well as a healthy weight.
The 'throwing up' means your girl has a slow and probably sour crop. The skinny poop is a sign of intestinal inflammation which could be causing the crop issues.

Lots of things can cause enteritis (yeast or bacterial infections, parasites, viruses) but I'd start by checking that their food hasn't gone moldy, clean out the waterers, and make sure there is nothing that they could be getting into to make them sick (old scraps, chemicals, etc). What supplements have you been giving them?

Check their crops first thing in the morning before they've had a chance to eat or drink. The crops should be flat and empty. If they are squishy you may need to treat for sour crop with an antifungal cream.
5-6 years in age that have been very off lately.

Their droppings have been weird lately but this one takes the cake, I'm not really sure what would cause this so I'm looking for advice. I've been giving them supplements trying to make sure they're as healthy as possible but they've all just been hanging out in the coop all day.

I also had one hen "throw up". She leaned her head down and some watery food came up.

To answer some questions before they're asked: No, none of them are currently laying. They've all molted already, and were dewormed at the start of the year. They're all eating and drinking fine, as well as a healthy weight.
What do you feed, including treats?

What are the supplements you are giving?
You dewormed - how long ago, with what, the dose and duration.

What is your general location in the world? What's your weather like?
Do you have other hens/roosters, have you recently added birds or do you just have the 5-6 yr olds?

You mention they are all(?) acting off lately - describe that - hanging inside the coop, but what else? Is it cold, rainy?
They have molted, but have they started coming back into lay?
Older birds often do like to lounge about and just hang. You mention they are eating/drinking fine, healthy weight.

I would re-check the hen's crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks just to make sure it's emptying. Sometimes a hen will just spit up some water/feed, especially after they have been eating/drinking, it happens.

While you are checking over your hens, look for any signs of lice/mites.

If her crop is not emptying overnight, then I would begin treatment. This will walk you through that.
What do you feed, including treats?

What are the supplements you are giving?
You dewormed - how long ago, with what, the dose and duration.

What is your general location in the world? What's your weather like?
Do you have other hens/roosters, have you recently added birds or do you just have the 5-6 yr olds?

You mention they are all(?) acting off lately - describe that - hanging inside the coop, but what else? Is it cold, rainy?
They have molted, but have they started coming back into lay?
Older birds often do like to lounge about and just hang. You mention they are eating/drinking fine, healthy weight.

I would re-check the hen's crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks just to make sure it's emptying. Sometimes a hen will just spit up some water/feed, especially after they have been eating/drinking, it happens.

While you are checking over your hens, look for any signs of lice/mites.

If her crop is not emptying overnight, then I would begin treatment. This will walk you through that.

I feed 17% all flock pellets, with occasional treats like sunflower seeds, peas, corn, solider fly larvae, meal worms, etc

I've been giving them coop kelp + probiotics in their feed and hydrohen In the water on off days. They were dewormed about a month ago with valbazen, 1/2cc and doesed again 10 days later.

I live in southeast Texas so the weather is all over the place. Up till today, it was humid and warm, not rainy at all. More recently (last night + today) have been cold and windy.

I have no roosters and only my 5 hens chicken wise, though I do have geese, ducks, guineas, and turkeys. The turkeys aren't anywhere near my hens, and the geese and ducks are only around them at night for bedtime (they all have separate coops) my two guineas spend most of their time with my hens. None have been added recently

Their droppings have been really abnormal recently and they all just seem to be lethargic. They've been staying huddled in the coop all day without going out to forage which is really unlike them. They're pale at times which isn't unusual for them when it's cold but I just feel like somethings wrong.

None of them are laying again yet, but it usually takes my girls awhile to start again- if they will.

I am worried about a possible mite problem - I've been struggling to keep the wild finches out of the coop and wonder if that may be a contributing factor.

Crops are all empting as they should.

I've attached a few more photos of what their droppings have been like recently -

One of which actually had specs of red in it. Unsure if this was blood or not. My girls have mostly been having very water, grainy light color poos, but I also noticed some bright greenish in one which is definitely concerning.


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I've been giving them coop kelp + probiotics in their feed and hydrohen In the water on off days.

Their droppings have been really abnormal recently and they all just seem to be lethargic. They've been staying huddled in the coop all day without going out to forage which is really unlike them. They're pale at times which isn't unusual for them when it's cold but I just feel like somethings wrong.

I am worried about a possible mite problem
Is the coop kelp with probiotics something new you've introduced or have they had that before with no issues?

I would go out to the coop at night, wear a headlamp or use a flashlight. Inspect your hens for mites. Run a white paper towel along the roosts and see if any bugs are on that are smears of red. Most mites live in the crevices of the housing during the day and come out to feed at night, this is why nighttime inspection is better than daytime.
If they do have mite (or lice), then treat with a Permethrin based poultry dust or spray.
I prefer to dust the hens and spray the coop. Your housing is going to need to be treated as well. Do this in 5-7 day intervals to help break the cycle.

You're feed is fairly fresh and has a good date on it? Sometimes I've gone to purchase feed and it was old or even when I opened it, it was clumpy which usually indicates getting moisture at some point, these clumps can mean mold in the food.
Have you noticed anything like that? Any chance food is moldy or has gotten spilled and molded and they ate some? In a warm humid environment feed molds pretty quickly, I know it does here.

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