Supplemental heat - chicks standing up on roost at night

Yea, that temp perks my attention for the hens. 14 degrees with a negative windchill, yes eggs will freeze, water will freeze. Be sure all hens can have a safe place to escape from any drafts. My hens will stay in the henhouse at that temp. Especially with that wind chill. On days like that, I make sure I witness every chicken eat, drink, scratch. a little morsel of some extra protein is a nice treat in the cold weather. Maybe a little scrambled egg or some warm water added to their feed to make an oatmeal like texture. I just came inside from changing frozen waters and checkin' the chooks. Its 25 so the girls are fine atm. If your a nervous nelly like me, get a camera so you can check them whenever you want. Good Luck winter chickens!
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Chickens love scrambled eggs, and finely chopped up carrots. (with a little Dannon plain yogurt)
At one time, I tried both hot oatmeal, and cornmeal mush, which would freeze solid very fast. Mine never ate it. Corn bread they would eat.

Provide protection, let them choose. we are much colder than that with wild temperature swings, from 60 degree one day to -10 three days later, and they do just fine.
Keep in mind that hot water freezes faster than cold water. I feed my chickens warm oatmeal and squeeze the water out.

My typical "stick to your ribs" mix is oatmeal, finely chopped carrots, scrambled eggs, and a drizzle of yogurt on top. The girls wolf down 2 full pie pans of this mix. That's 15 hens and 2 roos.

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