Sutured wounds


May 28, 2024
Yesterday my dog got into the chicken yard. Totally my fault.Two birds were injured, one seriously. There were two lacerations. Both about the size of a quarter. The one on her neck near her head left muscle exposed. One on her back had fat protruding out. I was going to put her down but when I picked her up, she looked at me with pleading eyes and I decided to try to save her. I made a make shift coop in the basement, treated her wounds with Manuka honey wounds dressing and stitched her up. She was at the top of the pecking order and the other one was at the bottom. I have them both in the basement coop to keep them safe and warm. I can't see any way to cover the wounds. Today she has perked up, is eating and drinking and wounds look good. Is there ant that I can do to prevent infection and help her to heal?
Yesterday my dog got into the chicken yard. Totally my fault.Two birds were injured, one seriously. There were two lacerations. Both about the size of a quarter. The one on her neck near her head left muscle exposed. One on her back had fat protruding out. I was going to put her down but when I picked her up, she looked at me with pleading eyes and I decided to try to save her. I made a make shift coop in the basement, treated her wounds with Manuka honey wounds dressing and stitched her up. She was at the top of the pecking order and the other one was at the bottom. I have them both in the basement coop to keep them safe and warm. I can't see any way to cover the wounds. Today she has perked up, is eating and drinking and wounds look good. Is there ant that I can do to prevent infection and help her to heal?
Buy some Chlorhexedine. Keep the would uncovered if it's been stitched.
Clean the wound daily and treat with Chlorhexedine.
Thank you. I have some that I used to flush out the wounds. I also have colloidal silver that I was considering. How long do I need to keep applying the treatment? The duties are absorbant type that don't need to be removed.
Most of us use chlorhexidene (Hibiclens,) Vetericyn, or saline to an open wound, and apply plain Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment twice a day. until it heals. Stitching a dog bite can sometimes close up bacteria inside which can lead to an abscess in 2-3 days. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen. Just watch for swelling or fowl-smelling drainage from wounds. Pictures of wounds can sometimes help, but may not since they are stitched. Let us know how she gets along.
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