Switching roosters?


7 Years
Jul 14, 2017
Our white Easter egger roo has been picking at some of our hens (plucking them for no reason) and picking favorites. He has been favoring our white leghorns and chases off our australorp and easter eggers. I held back an Australorp rooster from a hatch I did a year ago and I was already planning to move the two sussex hens (also from his batch) to the main flock so I thought I might as well introduce him. Someone is willing to take the easter egger roo off of my hands. Is it a good idea to switch roosters?
Sounds like it's the right thing to do.....might depend on what your goals are for even having a male.
We hatch our own eggs, I also find that the rooster keep egg eating critters away. the reason we're hesitating is that we really like this rooster so its a bummer to see him go. If it is the thing to do, I'll get on it, the (non favorite) ladies are looking a bit rough.
Our white Easter egger roo has been picking at some of our hens (plucking them for no reason) and picking favorites. He has been favoring our white leghorns and chases off our australorp and easter eggers.
Do you find his behavior acceptable? It is your goals and desires that count, not mine, but I would have made the switch.

What is your concern about switching roosters? What do you think might happen? If I knew your specific concerns I might be able to address them. But I don't know how to address an open-ended question like that and ease your concerns if I don't know what you are afraid will happen.
Once I switched roosters, and really, I thought I should just keep him away from the girls for at least a couple of days so they could get used to the original rooster being gone.

He got out of the cage when I went to the house for some feed, and he rounded up the girls and never looked back! haha Hens have no loyalty at all.

Mrs K
Do you find his behavior acceptable? It is your goals and desires that count, not mine, but I would have made the switch.

What is your concern about switching roosters? What do you think might happen? If I knew your specific concerns I might be able to address them. But I don't know how to address an open-ended question like that and ease your concerns if I don't know what you are afraid will happen.
Once I switched roosters, and really, I thought I should just keep him away from the girls for at least a couple of days so they could get used to the original rooster being gone.

He got out of the cage when I went to the house for some feed, and he rounded up the girls and never looked back! haha Hens have no loyalty at all.

Mrs K
well I decided to do a switch-a-roo (pun intended), and keep the old rooster for a bit just in case. introduced him (with the 2 new hens) to the main flock in a cage, after a few hours I came out to the dog cage wide open :eek:, think I didn't lock it well enough, thankfully I found the rooster walking around with all the hens (including the 2 new hens).

The hens seem to love the new roo. He is more gentle, friendly with people, and doesn't pick favorites. Probably the best rooster we've ever had. The flock is the calmest it has ever been. Threw down some treats and everyone is getting their share for once. The hen lowest on the pecking order can finally enjoy the treats. Even the newcomers are not being picked on! Think he deserves a name now.
well I decided to do a switch-a-roo (pun intended), and keep the old rooster for a bit just in case. introduced him (with the 2 new hens) to the main flock in a cage, after a few hours I came out to the dog cage wide open :eek:, think I didn't lock it well enough, thankfully I found the rooster walking around with all the hens (including the 2 new hens).

The hens seem to love the new roo. He is more gentle, friendly with people, and doesn't pick favorites. Probably the best rooster we've ever had. The flock is the calmest it has ever been. Threw down some treats and everyone is getting their share for once. The hen lowest on the pecking order can finally enjoy the treats. Even the newcomers are not being picked on! Think he deserves a name now.
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I had one that forced my older hens to mate. I try not to intervene but it was hard to watch. I scolded him for it but he never quit. If one would run he'd grab her by the neck and mate her anyway. After he was done he'd peck her in the head a couple times to teach her a lesson. I never saw him draw blood but it was awful.I gave a guy 4 young hens to take him off my hands.He hasn't added him to his flock yet either.

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