Swollen lump on face? Help!


In the Brooder
May 28, 2022
Yesterday I noticed one of our babies has a swollen lump between her eye and ear, it’s making the area look all distorted and bare. Could anyone take a look at these pictures and give your opinion? No discharge from the eye, no other symptoms, eating and drinking normally! This first time chicken owner is a little nervous. I’ve attached three pics, two of the lump and one picture of the other side of her head for reference. Thank you!!


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How old is she? Have you added any new birds recently? Check her eyes for the new few days for bubbles or foam that could be a sign of a chronic respiratory disease called MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum.) Other possible causes besides that are a peck or a sting to that area. Check the ear canal for any drainage or gunk. If you do see bubbles in the eye or the swelling increases, you could treat with Tylan 50 (from feed stores) given orally, or Tylosin powder (sold online for pigeons) in the water.
How old is she? Have you added any new birds recently? Check her eyes for the new few days for bubbles or foam that could be a sign of a chronic respiratory disease called MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum.) Other possible causes besides that are a peck or a sting to that area. Check the ear canal for any drainage or gunk. If you do see bubbles in the eye or the swelling increases, you could treat with Tylan 50 (from feed stores) given orally, or Tylosin powder (sold online for pigeons) in the water.
She is 6 weeks old or so, no new birds… but this has been her first full week outside in an outdoor coop/run since it’s now warm enough. Should I separate her from the rest? Of course she’s my needy one, she hates being apart from the others.
Thanks for the suggestions! This is my first rodeo!!
I would look for the Tylan and you can get it in case you need it. But unless she gets bubbles or eye drainage, or the swelling is worse, I would wait and watch. Tylan can be handy to have for later. I would keep her with the others. If you think it is not a sting or peck and decide to treat with Tylan, you can leave her with her flock, and give it 3 times a day. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Tylosin powder dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. If using tylosin powder in water, separate her in a dog crate during the day, with food and medicated water, but leave her with her flock.

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