Swollen middle pad on both feet, not sore, no black center


9 Years
May 16, 2015
Texas, USA
I have an 8 yr old hen, who presented with the middle pad of her foot a bit swollen-- like when she's had bumblefoot, but with no black plug in the middle. I soaked her feet, bandaged with antibiotic ointment for about 2 weeks. Swelling did not go down, no black spot appeared, and she gets around fine. The entire time she roosted, and jumped down from roosting. She eats, drinks, acts like a chicken. The only odd behavior is that there have been two occasions where she hid in a nest box instead of getting up on the roost. (her 8 year old friend did this one time, too-- very odd behavior for both of them but they seem fine). Can they have bumblefoot without it ever getting plug or having the icky stuff come out of their foot? Or can they just have a plump foot pad?

Do you have a picture of the questionable foot compared to the other one?

Have you ever tried putting a drawing creme like Prid on it?
Thank you for your reply Debbie! I took pictures-- below. I did not try Prid, what a good idea! I ordered some from Amazon and will apply and rebandage this evening.
Nola feet 1.jpg
Nola feet 2.jpg

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