Swollen sinuses and roof of mouth - Can't swallow


Sep 23, 2020
I have a hen I found yesterday with very puffy watery eyes, sinus, and roof of mouth. I am trying to give her Tylan 50 orally, but she can't close her mouth and swallow. I can't find exact dosing info for injection. She weighs 5.5lbs and is a 7 month old Freedom Ranger.

She currently can't eat or drink! I need to get the swelling down asap.

I have been warm compressing her face and tried cleaning the roof of her mouth (that slit in the sinus, I can't remember what it's called). Got a lot of slimy goop out, no smell tho so I don't think it's Corizyn (or whatever that contagious virus is).

She might have gotten stung or something because she was fine 2 days ago.

She is still full of life and sadly trying to eat and drink

Please advise!
Also, she is my bathroom (warm and humid) and I have a diffuser with oregano oil going to help her breathe.


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It almost looks like her tongue is very swollen? Will any of the material inside the roof of the beak come out? Is the material yellowish? I would try to find out if that is her tongue tissue or something else like canker. Canker is yellow and smells bad. Her tongue could have been stung or pecked. Tylan dosage either given orally or by injection is 0.25 ml per pound given 3 times a day for 5 days. That would be 1.25 to 1.5 ml for 5.5 pounds. Is a vet possible, to get her airway clear? @casportpony are you online to look at this? I will check back in the morning.
Edited to say if this is a meat bird, I would either process her now or put her down.
I have been trying to give her 1.25ml Tylan, but most falls out of her mouth since she can't swallow. Is it the same dosage injected? I just want to make sure. Also, should I do it into the breast or under the skin, or both?

It's actually the roof of her mouth that swollen, her tongue is fine. It's not something that can be scraped off.

She is a meat bird, but wasn't going to process her (she has just started laying for me). Unfortunately, I don't do vets for chickens (we don't have any close by and the cost is not worth it.. my birds aren't pets). I will cull if she can't recover quickly though, I don't want her to suffer. But since she has had a little Tylan, meat withdrawal becomes an issue.
Oh, and my husband had a thought.. could I just inject the Tylan into her crop?

I was reading about Tylan can cause necrosis in the breast tissue 😳 -- this is why I have been hesitant to inject her
Tylan is meant to be injected into the breast tissue next to the breast bone or keel. Some have given under the skin in the back of the neck, but you can also give it orally with a syringe down the right side of the chicken’s throat. What color is the material in the roof of the beak? Usually when the eyelids are swollen and there is drainage or gunk in the eye, it is good to try to press out the gunk. Then twice a day, flush the eye with eye wash or saline, and apply a small dab of antibiotic ointment (Terramycin or plain Neosporin.) Continue to check if she has a bad odor from her beak or face. If she is struggling to breathe or drink, I would consider trying some Benadryl, or putting her down. She probably needs some anti inflammatory medicine to open her beak.
I'll give her the injection into the breast. Do it 3x daily right?

Her roof is a pale pink color. Still no smell, just very swollen.

I did try to press out her sinuses, but nothing comes out, it just makes her eyes watery. I'll try some benedryl. I actually have a homeopathic allergy med I give my kids, I'll try that first.

If I can't get her to eat/drink by tomorrow, I'll cull her. She has barely poo'd since she has nothing in her system. I know she is hungry, she keeps trying to dip her beak into the food and water, but she is unsuccessful 😔
Benadryl dosage is 4 mg for chickens, given once, either tablet or in liquid form. Let us know how she is doing, but I would probably go ahead and cull her so that she doesn’t suffer. I’m sorry. Your state vet could perform a necropsy on her on Monday if you keep the body chilled, not frozen. That would tell you what possible respiratory disease that she has or what else is going on. That can help you know what to expect with your other chickens.
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Thank you! I just gave her the injection and some allergy meds (but she couldn't swallow, so Lord only knows how much actually made it down her throat).

She isn't sneezing and her chest isn't rattling. She is the only one with the issue, I am leaning towards some sort of insect sting. I'll see if she has improved by tonight. If not, I will cull her tomorrow. I have tried to hand feed her, but she spits the food back out and water is impossible to drizzle into her mouth, most falls out (like the meds) and then she shakes her head and the rest flies out.
I am not comfortable or know how to tube feed. So culling is the most humane option if she can't eat or drink.
Believe it or not, she is still a feisty beast. Lol.
Since the injections her face is not nearly as swollen, one side looks almost back to normal. Her mouth is still swollen, but it does look a little smaller.

I was able to get some yogurt in her (after a fierce fight). But unfortunately I think she is developing sour crop from not eating or drinking. Her crop is full of air. If I squeeze it, her throat fills with air and it blows out of her mouth. Then fills right up again. She isn't distressed or anything. I was going to put her down today, but her spirit is inspiring. I am going to give her another day to be able to eat or drink. She is still trying with minimal luck. Although she has plenty of meat/fat to live on for awhile, I don't want her starving.

She did a poo today that was mostly green water with a hunk of slimy green. I know this isn't good.

Although she is not a pet, I really want her to pull through. We only had two ranger ladies hatch and one got taken by a fox or hawk. 🥺

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