Tail and Leg Picking - PIC


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 7, 2010
Tampa Area
I've just recently moved into central Florida on 5 acres and like many people am trying to start up a more self sufficient lifestyle. I have 7 2.5 week old chicks (3 Cuckoo Marans, 2 Black Giants, 1 Black Sex-Link and 1 Australorp) that have just started picking at eachothers tail and leg feathers. I just started putting them in the coop during the days, it's 6x8 with a concrete slab with plenty of ventilation and room I would think for these little girls. It is getting hot here now but the entire area the coop is in is shaded by large oaks and I felt it would be better to begin getting them accilmated to the heat now before it gets too intense. Could it just be boredom? I have lots of food (medicated starter) and water available but have only introduced a few small bugs and grass clippings to them in the past couple days in the coop.

Just thought maybe due to the specific locations they are picking (tail n legs) you guys may know more details as to what I should try first.

Thanks in advance!!
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This is one of the giants tails currently.

The marans seem to be maturing a bit faster (or could be a few days older since I bought them at a local feed store) and one has much less picking than some others, could that be the one instigating it all?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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