I need advice. I brought home 2 emu chicks when they were 2 wks old. I tried keeping them in the house in a brooder type set up that I made out of doggie play pen panels, artificial grass, and a heat lamp... but my house dogs wouldn't leave them alone and I didn't want to risk an accidental break in. So I have since set them up in a enclosed pen in our barn with the heat lamp and some deep straw bedding. They seem to be thriving great, but my question is... How do I gentle them down or attempt to get them to bond with me so that they will be handleable when older/bigger? I sit in the corner or their pen every night and pitch small tidbits of kale and spinach to them in the hope of luring them near me or to maybe make them less afraid of me. They want absolutely nothing to do with me or my presence and actually spend majority of the time I'm in there running back and forth from side to side across the enclosure, one will occasionally grab a bite of the greens when running around, but they usually wait me out and just eat the greens after I've given up and left lol!
Any and all advice is appreciated
Any and all advice is appreciated