Teen gosling gurgling noise, help


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2024
I live by the bay and feed the families the game bird feed since they’ve hatched, the goslings are about almost 10 weeks now and one was left behind. I brought it to my yard, supplied it with feed and fresh water, it is eating a lot although it is making a gurgling or congested noise. I have no avian vet near me and I need help.
I live by the bay and feed the families the game bird feed since they’ve hatched, the goslings are about almost 10 weeks now and one was left behind. I brought it to my yard, supplied it with feed and fresh water, it is eating a lot although it is making a gurgling or congested noise. I have no avian vet near me and I need help.
Might be sick so it got left my mom. Nature :( does it have something lodged in its throat or more like wheeze? If you see something or if it gets unresponsive I would irrigate manually and make sure it's nostrils are clear of debris as well.
I have irrigated my ducks in a sink of activated charcoal when they ingested a poisonous substance. I gently opened their beaks and flushed some water in it.
If it's a wheeze could be mycoplasma infection
It’s not a weeze and i don’t think anything is lodged in its throat, it’s eating and drinking just fine. Its like a gurgling sound
What kind of game bird feed?

What breed or species?

It sounds like it has a respiratory infection. Please do not “irrigate” your goose, that’s a great way of aspirating water into it’s lungs. You could try treating with Tylosin or Baytril, and adding a vitamin mix, B vitamin complex, or nutritional yeast to the feed or water would be very beneficial, but the best thing you can do if this is a wild bird is to contact a rescue or rehabber as they’ll have the best setup to rehabilitate the goose and because if you’re in the U.S or Canada it is illegal to possess a wild migratory bird without a permit.
I’m not sure where you are but if you’re in the u.s on the east coast Carolina wildlife rescue is an amazing rescue to contact.
Might be sick so it got left my mom. Nature :( does it have something lodged in its throat or more like wheeze? If you see something or if it gets unresponsive I would irrigate manually and make sure it's nostrils are clear of debris as well.
I have irrigated my ducks in a sink of activated charcoal when they ingested a poisonous substance. I gently opened their beaks and flushed some water in it.
If it's a wheeze could be mycoplasma infection
In future you can try using a 3ml to 6 ml syringe or a small colon feeding tube to get fluids into them and lessen the risk of aspirating them.
In future you can try using a 3ml to 6 ml syringe or a small colon feeding tube to get fluids into them and lessen the risk of aspirating them.
Thank you, I do use syringes, would never do that with a chicken. In the duck situation, it was critical. They had very faint heartbeat and paralyzed from the poison. I thought they were dead I was ready to bury them but found the heartbeat luckily. It took 2 hours of patient irrigation and rests before they could move.
Hi, i’m completely aware of the laws protecting canadian geese, however, all of the rehabilitation centers in my area are “FULL” and refusing to take in the bird. I’m doing all that I can to give this baby a chance because it’s been coming to my home since it’s a hatchling with its parents. It’s about a ten week old gosling, like i said it’s eating and drinking fine, it’s eating game bird crumbles, but it’s neck is never fully extended, it’s keeping its head tucked in to its body

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