Temperature flux between 98.6 and 101 for a day, are these eggs still viable?


Apr 9, 2022
I've incubated before and had a pretty good 85% hatch rate. I'm using a forced air Hova-bator (not sure what model, big styrofoam thing). The first two days, everything was reading fine. Third day (yesterday), the temperature dropped and then went up to 101 F. I don't think it was there for very long, maybe an hour at most, but I'm definitely concerned about it. I went out and got two new thermometers for inside, calibrated them, and they're reading at about 99.8 (glass type so a bit harder to tell but my digital ones have been giving me trouble and I was worried).

I have a feeling I might be over-worrying but I've also never had this happen before.

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