Terrified silkies


Cats Rule Dogs Drool
11 Years
Aug 21, 2009
Southern California
I have twenty 4 week old silkies that I've had since they were 1 day old. They were in a large dog kennel to start. Once they started moving around, they got moved to a much bigger box.we built. They had a problem in the beginning with poopy butts and I had to clean them, but other than that, we handled them in the coop, didn't try to pick them up too much, but still interacted with them. The problem is, they are TERRIFIED of us. We walk in to the room and they all run to the corner and pile on top of each other to get away from us. Even when we feed and water them - they do the same thing. They do not eat any treats we give them until after we leave. I've never had this problem with my other breeds. Those chicks, once they realized we gave treats, they were our best friends. To get near them, we have to climb into the box.

Is this specific to the silkies? Will they get braver as they get bigger? I don't want to terrify them!!!!



Those are cute looking chicks!

Large groups tend to get frightened more easily then smaller ones and will go into corners like that (I raised 25 chicks and they were more skittish than my smaller groups, though I also didn't spend as much time with them). My chicks do the same thing when I move, but when I sit still they get curious and investigate, even trying out a treat in my hand. It takes them a while to except that I'm giving them food, then they'll perch on my leg and rest. When I get up to leave they freak-out again. Try sitting still and just quietly talking to them. Set your hand down with a treat in it for them and stay still. Silkies are suppose to be calm and docile, though mine honestly don't really like to be held.

I hope this helps and they settle down soon.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the info!! Do you think it would help if I broke them up into 2 groups? I have tried the treat thing, but half the time they don't eat them. They eat the bugs that eventually find the treats. I guess I try some crickets!!

Thanks again!
If you have the space and time, splitting them up into two groups would probably help them calm down. Whatever works for you.

Good luck!

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