Testing the brooder plate


Mar 19, 2024
South Eastern Ontario
How do you tell if your heat plate/brooder plate is functioning properly?

My chicks are coming in 4 weeks, so I ordered a brooder plate made by NestCozy.


After 1 hour, I found it to be too hot for my fingertips to stay on the heating surface for long. My natural instinct was to pull my fingers away from the heat plate after a few moments, although holding the back of my hand "close" to the plate felt warm and comfortable.

Is it too hot? Do they press their bodies against it, the way I did with my fingers, or do they naturally keep the right distance, and/or does their fuzzy down protect them?
If I need to send it back, should I ask for a replacement, or go with another brand?

I'm in southern Ontario, Canada.
Thanks for any and all input.
I thought my brooder plate was too hot, also, so I hooked up dimmer switch to a plug and was able to turn it down a bit. The girls are still alive at 16 days, I moved them out to a unheated coop with the brooder plate 3 days ago, they are happy and healthy in Northern Alberta
I thought my brooder plate was too hot, also, so I hooked up dimmer switch to a plug and was able to turn it down a bit. The girls are still alive at 16 days, I moved them out to a unheated coop with the brooder plate 3 days ago, they are happy and healthy in Northern Alberta
Good idea.
You folks got snow, didn't you?
Good to hear they are doing well in the coop at that age.

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